播道會信心堂基督少年軍 2024年招募

FEFC Christian Brigade Canada

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.

教養孩童, 教他走當行的道, 就是到老他也不偏離。

主旨 Theme

  • To help youths develop and grow in Christian character
  • To train youths to become loyal and responsible citizens
  • To promote youths’ physical fitness and develop their leadership potential
  • 幫助青年發展和培養基督徒品格
  • 培養青少年成為忠誠和負責任的公民
  • 促進青年的體格和發展他們的領導潛能

活動 Activities

  • Bible Study & Devotion
  • Foot Drill, Fitness & Life Skills Training
  • Leadership Development & Team Building
  • Various Levels of Award Programs
  • Camping & Community Services, etc.
  • 聖經學習與靈修
  • 步操,健身和生活技能培訓
  • 培育領導及團隊才能
  • 各種獎勵計劃
  • 露營及社區服務等

年齡 Age: G3-G10
日期 Date: Every Friday (Sept 13, 2024 – June 13, 2025)
時間 Time: 7.30 pm – 9:00 pm
地點 Location: Agape Centre, 3410 Midland Avenue, Unit 6 & 8, Scarborough, ON
費用 Cost: $180 (per school year, exclude uniform) Please make cheque payable to CCCF
聯絡 Contact: 647-838-3410
電郵 Email: cbc@fefc.church

To register, please mail complete registration form with cheque to church office:

Christ Commission Church of Faith
3410 Midland Ave.
Unit 6
Scarborough ON M1V 4V4

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